I've neglected the blog over the past few weeks as we packed in a few more trips before school started. Regular blogging will commence!
Today marks exactly 7 days until our first den meeting of the year. I am excited and nervous to get things underway! I feel that we're going to get a lot of new scouts this year, so managing that many kiddos will surely keep me engaged and challenged. I will be leaning heavily on the other adults in our Leadership to keep things running smoothly.
I won't know how many boys will be attending on Monday, probably until right before the meeting! I'll be working hard all week to make sure I have enough Bobcat Lapbooks prepared, enough youth applications to send home, and plenty of informational letters discussing our program and the necessary program materials and fees.
I love that we are getting a Cub Scout Camp day in October. This should really excite the newcomers as well as their parents. I hope all of my summer preparations and activity plans pan out well and the kids have a great year.
I'm off to start packing up supplies! If I don't start now I'm sure I'll forget something important! My first meeting plan revolves around the Bobcat Lapbooks, using my returning scouts to help the new ones along the Bobcat Trail (it's a component of a Bear achievement!), making the Bobcat Trail fortune tellers, and working on our quarter circle designs to show off at the Pack Meeting. I wonder if I'll have time to work some skit practice into the meeting!
Until Next Time,